First Responders

First Responders

Immediate response whenever and wherever needed, because you are not prepared until your communications are.

When disaster strikes, access to reliable communications is crucial in the efforts of disaster relief where quick response translates into lives saved. Occasionally it may be difficult, or sometimes even impossible for first responders to stay connected to work together when attempting lifesaving actives. In the times where terrestrial communication infrastructure is damaged or destroyed, satellite communications can provide a communication lifeline for people on the front line to public safety and emergency preparedness.

Cellhire provides essential satellite solutions to help first responder teams communicate, coordinate, and run critical applications for enhanced situational awareness and faster response times in the field.

Stay connected in remote locations and disaster-affected areas where terrestrial networks are non-existent or damaged.

Cellhire satellite solutions provide critical connectivity that operate reliably, effectively and efficiently anywhere on the planet. The ability to deliver truly global connectivity outside of terrestrial coverage, where infrastructure has been compromised or security is an issue, has made satellite the go-to standard for first responders and aid organizations around the world.